
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Ever After

I just recently graduated with my BFA (Bachelors of Fine Arts) in Photography. For our final project we had to come up with a series of images and have our own exhibit. For my show I did the seven deadly sins found in fairy tales. 

Since the beginning of time human beings have struggled with selfish and destructive behaviors. Thus was born the seven deadly sins; seven toxic mannerisms that were believed to bring suffering in the afterlife. They are wrath, gluttony, greed, envy, lust, slothfulness, and pride. When examining classic fairy tales I found many of them encompassed these iniquities.

Original fairy tales were gruesome and ghastly stories, initially intended to be cautionary tales meant
 for adults. They had a very academic tone to them, with no drawings or illustrations. Throughout the centuries however, we have discarded the grisly details and they have morphed into a cheerful tale meant for a younger and more extensive audience. 

When reading the initial versions of these fairy tales, I was drawn to their darkness. I wanted to further explore the original foundations, and contrast them with the stories I grew up on. Illustrating the sinfulness these characters possess, while creating a world of fantasy and enchantment.










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